Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Just when you start to feel pretty good.....

Another doctor appointment today with the plastic surgeon.  And even though we were convinced it would just be a "check up" type of visit....they were equally convinced I would get another "fill".  Yes, another 60cc per side.  And of course she said I would probably be uncomfortable (that's because it really didn't seem like there was room for any more fluid!). 

So what is my actual status?  VERY UNCOMFORTABLE! 

If you get queazy, stop reading here.  If you want the details, it's like having two bricks inside your chest.  These things do not move.  I have to move my arms around them.  And for you gals out there, there is no scooping or pouring into the bra at this stage.  This is what I would call a true "over the shoulder boulder holder" situation. 

Can't lay down, can't slouch, can't walk....just sitting in a semi-reclined position thinking about watching Oprah (when all I want to do is take a nap).  And this doesn't happen very often but there are tears in my eyes! 

All I can say is OUCH!

So, what is next?  Meet with the plastic surgeon again in two weeks to discuss the details of the next surgery.  And it seems the next surgery will be the week of November 15th. 

Yes, I am definitely keeping in mind this could be worse.  I could have all this AND chemo.  My goodness, my heart goes out to those!  So what is my mantra -- EARLY DETECTION.


  1. There are so many inappropriate things for me to say but I'll leave it as "keep healing and feel better soon!"

  2. Todd - Trust me, there are many inappropriate things for me to say also! :-) I think we have made wise choices. Thanks for your continued support!

  3. Oh my goodness! I hope it eases up with meds or maybe a heating pad? I faintly recall what happens when you nurse a baby and don't get to breastfeed or pump for hours...aaaahhhh,awful. Hang in there and medicate accordingly!

    This too shall pass...

  4. Hey you...
    I am thinking the same as Carolyn - sure sounds similar to what a mom experiences while nursing a baby. Girl - it was very painful!

    We are so proud of your accomplishments and thankful for you willing to openly share your experiences with us.

    The healing process will take a long time, I wish I could take it all away for you.

  5. Ouch! Hopefully this will all be an uncomfortable memory soon.

  6. Hey Susan,
    Just got wind of your blog. Keep your chin up (your bricks may assist :-) I'm thinking about you a lot and hoping you are feeling better with each day.

    Love your positive attitude!
    Love, Sandy A.

  7. Susan, I had no idea you were diagnosed with this stinking rotten disease. I am so sorry. However, YOU WILL BEAT THIS CRAP, I have no doubt in my mind.

    I'm glad you didn't have to deal with chemo, but it certainly sounds like you're going through enough hell as it is. I would love to chat with you if/when you're feeling up to it. I'll drop an email with my phone number.

    In the meanwhile, YOU GO, GIRLFRIEND! Think tough thoughts, know you'll come through this experience forever changed, and you will get back to life (even if it's a different life).

    Sending positive vibes and love,
    Seattle, WA
